Future thinking

Thought pieces, opinions, interviews, tools and tips and data insights - the Future of Work
Creating a wellbeing economy – part 2 – small steps to bigger change.

More and more Governments are putting Wellbeing and Mental Fitness at the heart of their purpose and policy making. The growing understanding of the cost of Mental Health to national economies paired with realisations about the potential of wellbeing to be a driving force in an ‘Economy of Well-Being’ is putting the topic centre stage...

The stretch and the strain of stress and anxiety

The ability to understand and manage our stress and anxiety are both important pillars of our Mental Fitness. They often have something of an interdependent relationship with each other arriving as part of the same experience.  Stress is our response to a threat: we fear what we believe threatens us Anxiety is our reaction to...

How can the Pharmaceutical Sector lead the way in making workplace wellbeing a driver of growth and innovation?

The pharmaceutical sector has always been characterised by resilience and innovation. Covid-19 demanded both in unprecedented amounts and the sector’s response was remarkable. As the medical professions were working out ways to treat the virus, the pharmaceutical sector began investigating the relevance and efficacy of existing drugs, rapidly researched and developed potential new medicines to...

Creating a wellbeing economy (1) – Learning from the happiest nations in the world

The recent publication of the influential Global Happiness Report puts the conversation about wellbeing and wellbeing economy, at a national (and even global) level centre stage, irrespective of any question about the validity of the method of measurement. Seeing countries around the world ranked in terms of the Happiness of their population inevitably prompts questions...

Building the confidence to be creative

Creativity requires confidence.  By definition creativity requires self belief and self confidence. Whatever the form of creativity – art, design, advertising, music, entrepreneurialism, a new product or service, a new idea – creativity is the act of bringing something new into the world.  We should never underestimate the confidence that requires. By definition the new...

Insight and self awareness

One of the things I love the most about my work as a Transformational Coach is those times when ‘lightbulb’ moments occur within the coaching space. Experiencing a client making inner connections as insights about themselves emerge from their subconscious always feels rewarding. Insight is at the heart of the coaching journey. It is insight...